Why buy when you can Rent!

Make flexible payments at your pace without hassle

PayFlexi offers you easy and convenient ways to pay for products and services without the need to cough up full amounts upfront.


Pay in installments with layaway plans tailor-made for you.

We believe you deserve access to the beautiful things in life even when you're low on cash.

Instant approval

Instant approval

No long forms to fill. Simply select PayFlexi at checkout and get started.

No credit checks

No credit checks

Everyone is eligible. It’s as simple as when making any other card purchase.

Zero interest

Zero interest

Simple transparent terms. You don’t have to pay interest on any instalments.

terms for payflexi

Pay weekly or Monthly

Set up what works for you.

Rental date must be far enough out to trigger payment method to be applied. In other words you will need to have enough time for payments to be made before your booked date. Terms and conditions still apply.